Monday, January 26, 2009

Hi There!

I put this blog together for all the reasons stated in the banner. I hope everyone will use it. Since we are still technically in week one, I thought I'd tell you my experience thus far. I didn't get to menu plan or go shopping until the weekend, so don't even ask me how many points over I was on Thursday and Friday.

Katie King who, it seems, has done Weight Watchers before provided a tip. The Garden Veggie Soup in the silver colored book we received at our first meeting has 0 points...yes, 0! She recommended making a batch and having a cup before lunch and dinner if you need to "fill up." I took her up on this and made a vat on Saturday. I doctored up the basic recipe by sauteeing garlic, onions, carrots and celery along with crushed red pepper for added spice. I followed the recipe and added cabbage, green beans and non-fat chicken broth, but also included a can of diced tomatoes with italian spices. I divided it among 1 cup sized Rubbermaid containers and have enough to get me through the week. It's actually very tasty and filling...but I'm definitely craving grated parmesan cheese on top!

What recipes have you tried yet? What's good? Not so good? How's it going for you? I spoke with Richard and he says he's under his points each day...I wonder if he can give me some of his?


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